Most have expressed their dissatisfaction on the year
(2009) that just passed by. Some had to forgo heft pay raise, some promotions and some were unhappy at the paltry returns offered for their investment and some were chaffed because of high inflation
(the veggie bag never appeared so big). But, I am upset that it has added one more year to my bulging age account with vivid and grotesque visions of old age couple with groans and pains. Time can't be stopped and age can't be reversed but the claims of age defying creams and the Fountain of Youth have lured many to spend millions. In whispers ...
(Does anybody know where is the Fountain of Youth?)
It seems not many would want to '
live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse'.
I have become so used to not making resolutions that it didn't occur to me that I almost missed this ritual this new year eve until I came across a well articulated article in one of the dailies. It meticulously ranked the resolutions with a percentage (Analytic Journalism).
'No resolution' took the cake.
That set me thinking.
I wanted to start small. I have heard of
(and experienced) the lofty airy resolution which takes one to the dizzying heights and then the next month
(week or may be day) splatters blood and teeth on the floor
(another resolution bites the dirt). So, I wanted to start small.
I started really small. My first thought and resolution was to pick up the dirty laundry strewn artistically all over the house
(and of course washing in private). Second random thought that crossed my mind was to clean up the food residue that had beautifully layered on the inside of my refrigerator
(so much for being single); I didn't dare to look around too much in the kitchen.
Setting these two tasks as the goals for the first week have tired me
(mentally). Three days have passed and I am still to decide where to start. Maybe, I would take a rain check.
- Did I hear someone say it’s raining outside.
Hope you all have a wonderful and dream fulfilling (dreamy) 2010.
The Original New Year Resolution Dictionary.
1. No resolution
(I am too embarrassed to spell them)
2. Give up junk food and loose weight
(I would try KFC's fried chicken and go easy on Mc fries)
3. Quit drinking and smoking
(I would change my peer group)
4. Learn a new language
(Nobody understood me last year. Maybe...)
5. Work hard and move up the career ladder
(I was passed for promotion but I would strike back)
6. Maintain Work-life balance
(Would spend less time at work)
7. Read a book each month
(I would buy a book each month)
8. Broaden my horizon
(Would look for more office junkets)
9. Give time to needy and help charities
(Save on tax)
10. Holistic living
(Eat, sleep and make merry)