Sunday, December 12, 2010

Last Wish

I hold your picture close and cry
Why did you fly miles
Leaving me alone longing in pain

I can feel your touch and hear your sweet voice
I would turn into a bird if he listened to the last wish
Would fly and be with you

My love grows like a monster
Die may I but the love would survive
My eyes wait for you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The bird turned in'a cat,
The cat into a bat,
The bat flew on my hat.

It made me turn my head,
Have stumbled on a bread?
And landed in his hand.

A monster in disguise,
Of love. Am mesmerized.
Why gravity applies?

I wish I could have floated,
For love have never voted,
A line to madness. Dotted.

Why are you here again?
Your eyes are full of pain.
Have waited all in vain :-)

Kelly>>>got bored, started commenting on oldies :-)