Sunday, November 27, 2011

Yellow Heels

You walk over me with your yellow heels
The hells biting into my flesh
You dig them hard with every step
Then you walk to the yellow couch and laze
You in black and a smirk on red lips
The blood stains the carper
And my blood tears soaks the cheeks
You still look beautiful to me
The pain sinks in and the smile surfaces
Those days flash in front
When we couldn't live apart
You couldn’t see beyond me
The life was perfect
You still my dreams
I would chase it till the last drop drains

1 comment:

Ashish Youngy said...

Feelings nicely lingered with colors. Liked this one. No doubt this is an awesome piece but you could try to embed the color with positive feelings too. Anyway that is not your genre. Nice one :)

Love is Eternal